By Jeremy Tiers, Director of Admissions Services If you’re trying to get more prospective students, parents, and families to open and read your emails, answer the phone, sign up for a visit/virtual event, or take the next step in the process with your school, there are rules you need to …
Quick Reminder For You
By Jeremy Tiers, Director of Admissions Services This important reminder came last week from a student who replied to one of the focus group survey questions we asked about communicating with this generation of students during their college search: “The amount of college emails we get is …
Fall Recruiting Tips Here
By Jeremy Tiers, Director of Admissions Services There’s been a lot of discussion lately about how different recruiting this next class of students is going to be this fall. With less (or possibly zero) travel and more virtual events, things will definitely feel different for both you and …
Understand These 7 Things About Prospective Students
By Jeremy Tiers, Director of Admissions Services Students choosing their college (or even where they’re going to apply) because of a boyfriend, girlfriend, the food, the weather, or the size of the dorm rooms might seem completely ridiculous to you. I get it, but it’s going to continue to …
Stop Doing This in Your Emails
By Jeremy Tiers, Director of Admissions Services It’s becoming harder and harder to get prospective students to open an email and then not only read some or all of it, but also take action.The good news is there are effective strategies out there. Students continue to provide …