By Jeremy Tiers, Vice President Of Admissions Services2 minute readIt’s something that every admissions counselor deals with each year regardless of the type or size of institution they work for.At some point in the college search process, usually in the later stages, a lot of students …
Stop Making This Assumption
By Jeremy Tiers, Vice President of Admissions Services2 minute readHere’s an assumption that a lot of colleges, universities, and admissions counselors continue to make each year when it comes to their admitted student population.If a student has received their financial aid award, the …
Have You Asked These Four Questions Yet?
By Jeremy Tiers, Vice President of Admissions Services1 minute readWhen it comes to your admitted but undecided student population, the last thing you should ever do is sit back and assume this group has all the information they need to choose their college.Tudor Collegiate Strategies …
How To Handle Students Who Choose Another School
By Jeremy Tiers, Vice President of Admissions Services 3 minute readFinding out that a student has chosen another college or university can be frustrating, especially if you were feeling like your school was their top choice.Even if you do everything to the best of your ability, you’re …
How To Deal With This Common Excuse From Admitted Students
By Jeremy Tiers, Senior Director of Admissions Services 1 minute read It’s a frequently heard excuse that admitted students give each spring as to why they aren’t ready to make their decision.They’re thinking about visiting another college that’s on their short list.It’s a fair …