by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesWhen reaching out to a new recruit, the main goal is to get them to respond.If they never respond, they’re never coming to your school. If they do respond, it is far from a guarantee that they’ll commit but that is where things start.Getting …
What’s Your Recruiting Recipe? Is it Working?
by Greg Carroll, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesI will be the first to admit that as individual skill sets go, I’m not a great cook. Cooking has simply never been something I took time to learn or ever worried too much about. Sandwiches, frozen pizza, and lots of pasta have been staples from my …
The Importance of Remembering That Your Prospects Forget
If you're the parent of a teenager - or remember what it was like being one long, long ago - you know that's the age where remember things is a little challenging.Chores, the paper that's due tomorrow, feeding the dog...they all seem to fade in that space between the ears that's occupied with …
Reasons Your Recruit Ghosted You
by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesIt’s the worst, Coach. I know.You’re reaching out to a recruit, and maybe they have some initial response. But, then seemingly out of nowhere, they ghost you. No replies to emails, no texting back, and no returning phone calls.Why do they do …
Why You HAVE to Recruit Early
by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesWhen I look at programs that have consistent success, one main thing they have in common is they tend to recruit earlier than their competitors.On the flip side, it is very infrequent that I come across a coach that recruits early yet struggles …