by Megan Cooke Carcagno, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesImagine this. You walk to your mailbox, open the little door, and find three pieces of mail waiting for you. One is a coupon mailer. It’s glossy and full of pictures with bright colors. The next is a slim white envelope, clearly a bill. It’s …
4 Things to Avoid During Your First Contact with New Recruits
by Dan TudorThe goal, of course, is a smooth start with your group of new recruits.Every time a new class of prospects emerge on the horizon, every college coach wants that perfect launch. No hiccups, don't be too boring, but also don't appear to 'salesy'. It's a fine line, and a lot of …
What to Do With the Recruit That Didn’t Respond
by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesIf a recruit didn’t respond to your initial contact, what do you do?Do you try again? A third time? A fourth?Or, do you give up? If they were interested, they would have responded, right?If you take the stance of, if they don’t respond …
First Phone Call Questions You Need to Ask
by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesThere are two mistakes that a lot of coaches make when they get on the phone with a new recruit for the first time.The first mistake is that coaches end up doing a lot of talking. They are excited to share a lot about the team and the school and …
No, Your Prospect Doesn’t Have to ‘Love’ Your Program
In a romantic relationship, the feelings you have at the start often dictate whether or not you build that relationship into something more significant and long lasting.The same doesn't have to be true for getting your prospect to compete for you at your college.In fact, requiring them to …