by Paul Nemetz-Carlson, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesEarly in my conversations working with new clients I will inevitably be asked two questions:How do I get better players to see us as a realistic option? How do I get into conversations with the best athletes?My answer is always to …
What Two Things Your Recruits Want to Hear First
by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate Strategies What do your recruits want to hear first? There are many ways you can contact a new recruit. There are certainly some more favorable options that we encourage our clients here at Tudor Collegiate Strategies to use. But, regardless of the method, …
What Your Real Goal of Contacting New Prospects Should Be
Most college recruiters will go into their first conversation with a new recruit with one big goal: Giving them lots of information about themselves and their program, and selling their college as a great place to go to school. And for sure, those things are absolutely important and worthy long term …
What If the “I’ve Got a Guy For You” Guy Actually Did?
by Paul Nemetz-Carlson, Tudor Collegiate Strategies Our research says that over 60% of club and high school coaches think you’re not very good at your job and they could do it better. So it makes sense that so many of them feel confident calling you up and telling you who you should recruit and …
A Strategy for Recruits Who Haven’t Replied Yet
This is the time of year when college coaches begin to lose a little hope.That robust list of new recruits has received their first one or two contacts from a coaching staff, but things have fizzled...they haven't replied. And that means coaches are trying to figure out what direction to …