by Mandy Green, Busy Coach
Building a successful program is hard.
And it’s a lot harder when you have to balance the demands of being a coach with the demands of a growing family.
But…it’s not impossible.
In fact, with the right strategies and systems, your family can become one of the greatest drivers of success in your career…
…Helping you unlock new levels of productivity and creativity and stopping you from falling prey to the dreaded bottle of ‘workaholic’.
Over the next few week’s, I’m going to teach you step-by-step how to balance work and family as a college coach so you can still have the results you want without sacrificing your home life.
Let’s dive in by first clarifying your non-negotiables and how to get accountable for them.
The key to winning at work and at home lies in leveraging your “non-negotiables”—personal rules that you are committed to no matter what.
Non-negotiables are habits and routines in your personal life, work-life, and family life that you adhere to consistently.
These rules help create a virtuous cycle of success, improving every area of your life. For instance, setting the non-negotiable rule of not working past 6 PM can open up evening time for family, while also forcing you to be more productive and efficient during the day.
To start, you need to establish non-negotiables for your:
Personal Life: Examples include exercising for 30 minutes a day, sleeping 7 hours a night, and having a solid morning routine.
Professional Life: This could mean 90 minutes of daily deep work, eliminating distractions at the office, and delegating administrative tasks.
Family Life: Commit to a weekly date night with your spouse, reading to your kids before bed, and going on weekly family outings.
Once you’ve identified your non-negotiables, communicate them with your family so they can hold you accountable. When everyone is on the same page, your family will respect your “Magic Time” and ensure you have the space needed to focus on your work.
To reinforce these commitments, find a mentor or coach to hold you accountable. With daily accountability from someone you don’t want to disappoint, your success will become automatic.
Good luck setting up your non-negotiables. If you want to talk these through with Mandy, email her at