by Mandy Green, Busy Coach
If you do feel like you aren’t progressing as fast as you want, my guess is that you keep getting taken off your game plan for one reason or another.
Have you ever been guilty of looking at your phone more than you look at your goals in a typical day? I know I am guilty as charged at times.
Many studies have shown that most people typically look at their phone up to 100+ times a day. Are you looking at your phone more than you are looking at your goals?
When I talk to different groups, I get that talking about productivity is not as sexy as talking about the X’s and O’s of your sport.
What I know though is that if you are not working through your day strategically and intentionally, you are going to feel overwhelmed and like you are being pulled in a million different directions.
As a result, by the time you get to practice, you are not going to be at your best because you are mentally and physically drained from reacting and putting out fires all day.
You’ve got people to serve. I know you got a family counting on you. I know you’ve got a team who’s counting on you. I know there’s people in the world awaiting your influence and they need to see it. They need to see you show up as your best.
To be your best and to make the progress you need to be successful, you need a way to keep what you need to be working and focusing on front and center.
So, I want you to do something that I learned from my high-performance coach, and that is to create YOUR Battle Board. A battle board is a physical, visual wall in your home that clearly outlines and demonstrates what you are working towards throughout the year in weekly and monthly increments.
This isn’t on your computer, on your phone, or on a tiny little piece of paper that you tuck away and you hide from everybody else so they don’t see what you’re working on. This needs to be front and center so you see it every day.
To create your battle board, I want you to pull out a white board, or some butcher paper, or something that you can write on so you see it all the time. On that mission/vision/battle board, I want you to separate it into 12 boxes that will represent each month of the year.
In each box, this is what I want you to write down:
What is your overall vision?
When are you wrapping up recruiting?
The goals that must happen that month,
The metrics that must happen that month,
The steps you’re going to take that month,
Basically, all of the key activities and results you want to create are right there on the battle board. Get razor clear.
So many people fail to break through on their dreams because they don’t possess a clear and concrete plan. Create a plan, add it to your battle board, and look at it every day.
When you look at your goals every day, it strengthens your focus and motivation. Having a visual representation as a daily reminder of who you want to be and what your mission statement is helps you stay focused. The next time you think of a goal or description of your future self, no matter how big or small it may be, add it to your battle board!
Creating a battle board to track and hold yourself accountable for your productivity is key to doubling your success and attaining your goals at a faster pace.
If you want to talk through how to create your battle board, email Mandy at