by Mandy Green, Busy Coach
Have you ever found yourself saying:
“I wish my staff would take some initiative, why can’t they be 3 steps ahead of me?”
“I need better systems. We have a great team and school to sell, but I just can’t seem to stay on top of it all.”
“I wish my team would make decisions on their own and stop asking me SO many questions.”
“I’d love to reach out to more recruits, but none of my team members can do what I do so we are maxed out.”
“I was busy all day putting out fires, but I wasn’t able to get any of my own work done.”
“There must be a better way, but I don’t have time to figure it out.”
“I find myself answering emails 24/7.”
No matter how long you have been coaching, I would bet that you have said or will say one of these things above at some point in your career.
If you don’t find a solution, you will underperform and either fail to meet your recruiting goals or it will take a really long time to get there.
To get your recruiting running like a well-oiled machine… the first step is always KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE NOW and getting clear on WHERE YOU’RE HEADED!
I have been developing a framework to help coaches get clear on the phases of working through the operational side of recruiting that you go through.
Overwhelm and overworking stop you from achieving the vision you’re truly capable of and this framework helps you focus on exactly what you need right now, while giving you the exact milestones you need to hit to graduate to the next phase.
When you know what phase you are in, then your job becomes really clear and simple: get to the next phase.
So, which phase of recruiting are you living in?
You’re still DOING the majority of the time, spending your days executing tasks + projects. You may even have team members, but without you continuing to do the actual work, your recruiting would go nowhere. You’re essential to the day-to-day operation and quite frankly there wouldn’t be one committed recruit without you there every day making it happen.
You spend a lot of time answering questions, approving, reviewing + giving feedback to staff members. You thought having staff members would free you up, but at this point all it’s done is bog you down. You often feel like you’ve answered lots of questions + made 407 decisions at the end of the day, but never have time to get any of your own work done.
You spend a good chunk of your time training, elevating + mentoring the team to make sure they are able to be autonomous in their roles. You’re working on getting team members to a place where they can operate without you. They know exactly what to do to achieve the outcomes they’re responsible for and don’t need your approval to make decisions. They’re experts in their roles and quite honestly, they can do the doing even better than you!
You spend the majority of your time in the visionary seat of your recruiting or within your program, you’re strategizing, dreaming up the bigger picture and have lots of S P A C E within your workdays and weeks. You’re no longer involved in the day-to-day operation and the recruiting progresses without your involvement each and every day.
So coach, which phase are you in?
If you’re in the DOING, DECIDING, or DELEGATING phase of working through your recruiting cycle this year… it’s time to get things running on better systems of operation.
I hope you realize that it is pretty hard to run a great recruiting operation if you are doing EVERYTHING yourself or trying to push yourself to work more hours than you already are.
Getting to the next level of your recruiting will require you to build the systems and team to properly support you.
If you want help creating and implementing these systems in your program, email me at