By Jeremy Tiers, Vice President of Admissions Services
1 minute read
This week includes my favorite holiday of the year – Independence Day.
Around July 4th we have multiple events in our neighborhood that bring together hundreds of families and their friends. It’s so awesome to see neighbors from different cultures, countries, and backgrounds conversing and celebrating together, and displaying gratitude.
Gratitude is free, and the best part is, showing gratitude often creates more gratitude.
So, here’s what I’m encouraging you to do this week. Reach out to one person – text, call, or tell him/her in person why you’re grateful for them. Small acts of kindness go a long way.
If you’re willing to take things a step further, think about other ways you can be thankful throughout the year. Too often gratitude only gets discussed on different holidays or certain occasions. We all have things to be thankful for, even when the circumstances of life stink. To that point, a couple of years ago I decided to start each day before I begin work by saying, “I am grateful for <fill in the blank with something>.”
Taking a moment to notice and acknowledge something you’re grateful for can put you in a good mindset and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.