by Mandy Green, Busy Coach
Last week I wrote about how to reflect at the end of each day to improve your work performance for the next day. As we are coming to the end of the month now, I’d say before you start planning for July, take a few minutes to reflect on the month of June.
Here are a few of the questions that I go through myself, and am now taking the coaches that I am working with right now through at the end of each month.
My achievements this past month:
Things I need to do less of next month:
Things I need to do more of next month:
Things I need to stop all together:
There are many more questions that you can ask yourself, but I think ultimately, you need to make sure what you are doing during the month is getting you closer to achieving your goals.
At the end of the month is the perfect time to look back and reflect on what you’ve did right last month, what could improve, and it is an opportunity to learn from what you’ve done.
As I am being more intentional about using reflection at the end of each day, each week, at the end of the month, and at the end of each year, I am finding that is has many benefits.
- It has helped me learn from my mistakes
- It has helped me see where I need to be spending more of my time on.
- It has made me a happier coach because I am spending more time celebrating the wins that I am getting
- It is giving me better perspective about things that are going on in my program.
It only takes a few minutes but payoff is well worth it. If you are interested in getting more organization, performance, or productivity tips specifically for coaches, go to