This is an opportunity for readers of this newsletter to anonymously ask me a question about any aspect of student recruitment, leadership, and professional or personal development. Each week I’ll post my answer for everyone to read.
Q. An Associate Director asks:
“Jeremy, you inspired our office to do a deeper dive into our communication plan. What things should we be looking for so we can make sure it’s as effective as possible?”
A. Thank you for your question! First off, I’m super excited to hear that I was able to give you guys the extra push that you needed to take this big step!!
In reviewing a lot of existing communication plans this year for new clients of ours, and non-clients seeking advice, here are five things I continue to see that concern me:
- Gaps in communication after the admitted stage
- No parent communications outside of financial aid
- Emails and letters that try to cram in too many facts about a subject (instead of taking the 2 or 3 biggest points about that subject and creating singular pieces that tie together)
- Too much tone shift from formal to informal
- Contact information that is a 1-800 number or an email address
Use this as your checklist. If you find that you’re already 5 for 5 and don’t have these concerns then email me directly and we will discuss additional strategies.
Good luck!