by Mandy Green, Busy Coach
It is interesting to me that I have had a lot of coaches lately tell me they are too busy to read books. They actually feel guilty about taking time to read when they feel like they should be working.
I wanted you to share the advice that I gave to each of them.
I read a great book about Marc Benioff the Saas legend that owns Salesforce this past week… truthfully, I read it twice.
Here’s how that’s relevant to you, Coach.
The $100,000 buzz saw in the warehouse needs to be cleaned, sharpened and serviced.
Warren Buffett and his $84 billion dollar net worth reads 80% of the day, looking for insights and accelerants.
My mentor Darren Hardy reads 2 books, reads over 200 articles, listens to 4 audio books, interviews as many experts as he can, and listens to a bunch of podcasts every single month.
Stop feeling guilty about taking the morning or afternoon off to revisit some training… listening to a long audio, reading a book and educating yourself.
It’s like cleaning, sharpening and servicing the buzz saw in between your ears.
Here it is in a sentence:
Give me an hour to chop a tree, I would spend the first forty-five minutes sharpening my axe. ~ Abraham Lincoln
I know you’ve heard that before…
… but are you doing it?
Sharpen your coaching saw.
Mandy Green is the Founder and President of Busy Coach where she helps college coaches sharpen their saws and get more effective with everything they do for their program and career. You can email Mandy with questions at