by Mandy Green, Busy Coach
As recruiters, we all know that email is a huge part of the process.
In the research that Dan Tudor does with student athletes, for several years now it has come back to us that email was their most preferred mode of communication. Email to them feels safe and it is easy to reply to.
For a lot of coaches, dealing with all of the recruiting email that is coming and going is pretty overwhelming.
One of the mistakes that coaches make, I feel, is that they write their emails off the cuff. By this, I mean that coaches just show up and decide on the spot who they are sending emails to and what they are going to send to them.
If you just sit down and try to come up with a brilliant message that will get opened, read, and returned, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time staring at a blank screen as you try to figure out what to write. And there’s a pretty good chance that the quality won’t be high.
Also, if you don’t have a lot of experience writing recruiting messages or are not a very good writer, it can feel incredibly time-consuming. But more importantly, if you don’t have a strategy or workflow, I have found it takes even longer.
When I first started recruiting, I wish I had done what I am about to talk to you about with my recruiting email messages because I think it would have made the process of trying to come up with new content each week much easier.
As you may have heard from Dan Tudor, he recommends communicating to your recruits every 6-8 days – either as an email, text message, snail mail, or phone call.
Most coaches are ok with the first few emails that are sent in weeks 1-3. But, what do you want to communicate in week 4? And the week after?
Here is what I want you to do. Sit down by yourself or with your staff, if you have one, and brainstorm what you’ll communicate to your recruits each week of the year. For example, if you want to talk about your school’s Nutritionist and your new Nutrition Bar at your school, some post titles might be “5 Ways to Reach Your Potential Through Our Nutrition Bar” “My Team’s New Favorite Recipe” “3 Ways We Eat on The Road” etc.
Below, I’ve created space for you to start brainstorming your recruiting communication subject lines and subject matter content over the next 52 weeks. There are no right or wrong answers, and you don’t have to fill all of it out now (or stick to what you write down). This is simply an activity to get you thinking about how to take your recruits through a logical progression in a practical way.
Don’t worry and for sure don’t get overwhelmed! You don’t have to fill it all in now, nor do you have to stick to it. This is just a thinking and planning activity to get your head in the game.
If you hit a creative block, then Google your topic for some more ideas of what you could teach. Or go to your schools main website for more ideas.
Week 1. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 2. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 3. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 4. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 5. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 6. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 7. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 8. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 9. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 10. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 11. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 12. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 13. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 14. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 15. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 16. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 17. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 18. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 19. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 20. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 21. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 22. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 23. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 24. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 25. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 26. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 27. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 28. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 29. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 30. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 31. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 32. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 33. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 34. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 35. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 36. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 37. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 38. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 39. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 40. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 41. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 42. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 43. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 44. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 45. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 46. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 47. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 48. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 49. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 50. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 51. The topic and subject line could be:
Week 52. The topic and subject line could be:
CONGRATULATIONS! You brainstormed your entire YEAR of recruiting communication content! From here, you can sort out how you can arrange these messages so you are staying in control of the recruiting process and staying consistent. I would also recommend starting to create templates for each of these so you don’t have to start from scratch each time you go to send an email.
If you want more time saving tips like this, go to www.Busy.Coach or email me and we can come up with all of your content for the next year in 30 minutes.