by Mandy Green, Busy Coach
How do you commit to something?
A new habit… a morning routine… or kicking an old bad habit to the curb…
The answer is found in the #1 Commitment Hack that I got from a mentor of mine.
=> Create a visible reminder of your commitment that you see constantly.
For example…
Because of this mentor, I recently changed my email signature to:
Success Loves Speed,
Mandy Green
Now every time I write an email, I’m reminding myself (and the reader) to act fast…
I truly believe “success loves speed”…
But for a while I found myself repeating it to others without acting accordingly in my own life.
The daily reminder from my email signature “forces” me to act congruently.
This simple hack has already led to personal & business growth this week.
It has me moving faster than ever. Love it.
Believe it or not…
A simple email signature is changing my life for the better.
Take this idea and change your email signature to something that reminds you to do better…
Put a health mantra on the refrigerator door…
Put your #1 goal on the home screen of your phone or as your email password…
Tape a sticky note with a power phrase on your laptop…
Constant reminders pay off!
Success loves speed!
Mandy Green
If you want some support in your journey to being more productive and efficient with the time you spend and the way you work to achieve your goals, Mandy Green can help! You can email her at to set up a call.