by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate StrategiesOver the next couple of months, there will be a lot of holidays happening. It’ll be a great opportunity for you to have some little resets. Spend time with family. Eat some good food. And get refreshed for the new year.I want you to do all those …
How to Better Utilize Texting in Recruiting
by Dan Christensen, Tudor Collegiate Strategies Kids love texting! But, you know that, Coach. Texting is a fantastic tool to use in your recruiting communication. And really at this point, use of it is a necessity in recruiting. But are you using it as effectively as you can be? As it is with …
Creative Recruiting Topics for You and Your Prospect
by Bryan Matthews, Tudor Collegiate Strategies Coach, you are recruiting a person, a student, and an athlete to your program. They don't want to only talk about their sport, or their recruiting process. They want to know that you want every aspect of them as a student-athlete. Therefore, try …
Maintaining Street Cred When You’re Texting Recruits
by Bryan Mathews, Tudor Collegiate Strategies We know how important texting with prospects is within the process (some of us maybe a little too much? Email me to talk about that), but what is the most effective way to do so? Texting is certainly more of an art than a science, and every prospect is …
5 Consequences of Inconsistent Recruiting Communication
Your prospects have grown up using text messaging as one of the primary tools for communicating with their friends.That has certain consequences for you as a college coach who is recruiting this generation of prospects.Of all the mistakes you can make as a college coach engaged in that …