by Mandy Green, Busy CoachThe idea is a good one: Set goals for the New Year, and then carry them out. That's a great idea for coaches, as well. The problem I find is that coaches are so busy, going in so many directions, and pressed by "more important" matters that they don't get around to …
Prioritizing Different Levels of Recruits for Maximum Success
One of the puzzles constantly trying to be solved by recruiters at all levels is how to successfully communicate with varying prospect talent levels on their list.And it makes sense, right? You want the best players to commit first, and then have the rest of the recruits on your list commit in …
How I Made Time for Recruiting During the Season
by Mandy Green, Busy CoachAs the fall sports are in their last month or so and the winter sport seasons have been starting up, I have had a lot of 911 phone calls with coaches these last 2 weeks who are overwhelmed with trying to keep up with their recruiting during their season. I asked …
Why Budget and Distance Don’t Need to Prevent Campus Visits
Clearly, we are in a period of time in college recruiting when the majority of a prospect's decision rests on how they feel when they experience your campus.And for many coaches, that presents a significant hurdle in the recruiting process. Many coaches - even those who coach at the Division I …
Bringing the Most Powerful Sales Persuader on Your Next Recruiting Visit
It's something that we all use to make a buying decision in our regular lives, but seldom - if ever - utilize it in our recruiting lives as a college coach.And I'll go one step further: When you use it, you set yourself apart from other coaches so much, you become impossible to ignore in a …